Faculty & Staff


Assistant professor

EXT.: 58662

Office: HK234

Email: mwyu@nycu.edu.tw



  • Ph.D. Department of Psychology, National Cheng Chi University
  • M.S. Communication, National Chiao Tung University
  • B.A. Journalism, National Cheng Chi University




  • Postdoctoral Research, Ohio State University School of Communication
  • Research Assistant of Zhang Qingqing Teacher National Science Research Project , National Cheng Chi University, Advertising Department


Media message processing
Advertising effectiveness research
Longitudinal research and dynamic models
Eyetracking and cognition


Publications, Projects and Honors


1. Chang, C., Chang, W.-S., & Yu, W.-Y. (in press). Effects of the number of advertised brands in a choice set: A meta-cognitive process. Psychology and Marketing. (SSCI)

2. Yu, W.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., & Tao, C.-C. (2017). Heard but falsely remembered? The attention and memory effect of product placement in TV episodes. Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society, 33, 189-214.

3. Yu, W.-Y.; Tsai, J.-L. (2016). Modulation of scene consistency and task demand on language driven eye movements for audio-visual integration., Acta Psychologica, 171, 1-16.(SSCI)

4. 游婉雲。2017。聽其所見,觀其所聞:以眼動探討口語與場景互動的跨感官理解歷 程。台北:國立政治大學心理學系博士論文, 111 頁。

 Other Publication List

1. Yu, W.-Y., Wang, Z., & Tao, C.-C. (2019). Visual Attention to Product Placements: An Eyetracking Study. Paper will be presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Conference, Washington DC, United States.

2. Yu, W.-Y., Tao, C.-C., & Wang, Z. (2018, May). The word power: Verbal labeling effect of product placements. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Conference, Prague, Czech.

3. 別蓮蒂、蔡介立、楊偉顥、游婉雲(2017.06)。〈以眼動注視反應探討品牌識別標誌 之美感判斷歷程〉,「管理學報:新環境趨勢下的消費行為與行銷策略特刊研討會」論文。 台灣,台北。

4. Yu, W.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., & Tao, C.-C. (2015, August). Forget the brand mentioned by actor: The attention and memory effect of product placement in TV episodes. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco, CA.

5. 游婉雲、蔡介立(2013.10)。〈觀其所聞,聽其所見:語義一致性與作業目標對視聽 連結交互映照歷程之影響〉,「2013 年中華心理學年會學術研討會」論文。台灣,台北。

6. Yu, W.-Y. & Tsai, J.-L. (2013, August). The scene semantic consistency effect of eye movements during spoken language comprehension. Paper presented at the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Lund, Sweden.