Associate Professor
Phone: 5712121 ext. 58714
Office: HK235
Email: shuang9917@nycu.edu.tw
Ph.D. Journalism and Public Communication, University of Maryland
B.A. and M.A., Sociology, National Taiwan University
Editorial Board Member, Global Hakka Studies (2020-)
Chair, Department of Communication and Technology, NYCU (2021-2024)
Visiting Scholar, Boston University (2018-2019)
Director, Project Administration, Office of International Affair, NCTU (2016-2018)
Executive Editor, Information Society Research (2013-2015)
Assistant Professor, National Chiao Tung University (2010-2015)
Reporter, The Liberty Times
Copy Editor, The Liberty Times
Global communication
East Asian media culture
Nation branding and identity
Cross-border mobility
Publications, Projects and Honors
【Journal Articles】
Wu, H. D., Huang, S., Ping Yu, R., & Zhang, Y. (2023). The “populist imbecile” versus the “heartless shrew”: Polarizing election coverage and voters’ evaluation in Taiwan. Newspaper Research Journal, 44(4), 484-503. doi:10.1177/07395329231194000
Huang, S. (2022). ‘Be true to yourself’: Transnational mobility, identity, and the construction of a mobile self by Taiwanese young adults. Mobilities, 17(3), 333-348. DOI:10.1080/17450101.2021.1946920 (SSCI)
Huang, S. (2017). Nation building and nation branding: Discursive transformation toward Taiwanization in Taiwan’s post-War tourism policy. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, 31, 79-115. DOI:10.6195/cjcr.2017.31.03 (TSSCI, in Chinese)
Huang, S.(2016). Place placement: An analysis of local governments’ film tourism policy in Taiwan. Mass Communication Research , 126, 1-46. DOI: 10.30386/MCR.201601_(126).0001 (TSSCI, in Chinese)
Huang, S. (2015). From ethnic justice to environmental discourse: Frame transformation of the Tao anti-nuclear waste movement. Thought and Words: Journal of the Humanities and Social Science, 53(2), 7-48. (THCI Core, in Chinese)
Huang, S. (2011). Nation-branding and transnational consumption: Japan-mania and the Korean Wave in Taiwan. Media, Culture & Society, 33(1), 3-18. 10.1177/0163443710379670(SSCI)
【Book Chapters】
Huang, S. (2018). Japanese and Korean Popular Culture and Identity Politics in Taiwan. In N. Kawashima & H.-K. Lee (Eds.), Asian Cultural Flows: Cultural Policies, Creative Industries, and Media Consumers (pp. 215-232). Singapore: Springer.
Huang, S. (2015). Spirit and Anito: Anti-nuclear waste movement and Tao’s pursuit of identity. In L. Kuo (Ed.), Ethnic identity and the media in Lanyu (pp. 224-252) (in Chinese). Hsinchu: National Chiao University Press.
【Review essay】
Huang, S. (2017). Social media and the new Korean Wave. Media, Culture & Society, 39(5), 773-777. DOI: 10.1177/0163443717707344
【Conference papers】
Huang, S. (2024, June30-July4). Farewell to China: The Genrification of Taiwanese Historical Drama and the Making of Multicultural Taiwan. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2024 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Huang, S. (2021, November 21). Ethnicity and Gender Politics: Self-presentation and Representation of the Candidates in the 2020 Presidential Election in Taiwan. Paper presented at Hakka and Ethnicity Academic Consortium Workshop, Hsinchu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
Huang, S. (2019, May 30-June1). Representing Japanese colonial prisons: A comparison of Taiwan and South Korea. Paper presented at the 2019 Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference, New Orleans, USA.
Huang, S. (2017, July 28-30). Nostalgia for Japan in the creation of cultural and creative spaces in Taipei. Paper presented at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Huang, S. (2015, July 12-16). Popular culture, soft power and resistance: Taiwanese media portrayals of Japan and Korea before/after their cultural inflows. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Montreal, Canada.
Huang, S. (2014, July 9-10). Kimchi and the sweet potato: Korean Wave and Taiwan’s collective anxiety. Paper presented at the International workshop on cultural industries and cultural flows in East Asia: The emergence of Asian regional culture, The Center for the Study of the Creative Economy, Doshisha University. Kyoto, Japan.
Huang, S. (2013, July 3-5). Mediating the tourist gaze: Urban marketing and tourism destination placement in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference, Singapore.
Huang, S. (2012, July 2-6). Rethinking Chinese transnationalism: Paradoxical media consumption of Taiwanese migrants in China. Paper presented at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Paris.
Huang, S. (2012, May 22-28). Their technologies, our communications: Implications of new media use for Taiwanese in China. Paper presented at the International Communication Association preconference New Media and Internet Communication and Communities in China, Phoenix.
Huang, S. (2011, August 10-13).Mediating Identities: Taiwanese Migrants’ Readings of Chinese News. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, St. Louis.
Huang, S. (2011, March 31-April 3). Re-negotiating Chineseness: Taiwanese Migrants in China. Paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies(AAS)–International Convention of Asia Scholars(ICAS) Joint Conference, Honolulu.
Huang, S. (2008, August 6-9). Hari and Hallyu: Consuming Japaneseness and Koreanness in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Chicago.
Huang, S. (2007, August 9-12). Democracy and national Identity: The role of alternative media in Taiwan’s pursuit of free expression. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Washington, D.C.
Huang, S. (2007, May 24-28). Managing hybridity: How the online alternative media create public sphere in Taiwan. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, San Francisco.
Melki, J., Mihailidis, P., Harris, M., & Huang, S. (2007, February 9-10). Trauma Journalism education in the US. Paper presented at the Canadian Journalism Forum on Violence & Trauma, Ontario.
Huang, S. (2006, July 3-5). Online activism in Taiwan: Comparison ofUrl@enews and Yahoo Kimo News. Paper presented at the Annual North American Taiwan Studies, Santa Cruz.
【Invited speech]
Huang, S. (Oct. 30, 2021), ‘Be true to yourself’: Transnational mobility, identity, and the construction of a mobile self by Taiwanese young adults. Invited lecture at 2021 Fulbright American Grantees Orientation.
Huang, S. (Sept.24, 2013). Shaping an East Asian identity? Korean Wave and its cultural influences in Taiwan. Invited lecture at the Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe, Korean Verband, Seoul, Korea.
【Grants and scholarship】
Glocalization of transnational video streaming platforms in Taiwan: Production, content and local responses (NSTC 112-2410-H-A49 -040 -MY2), Aug.1,2023-Jul.31, 2025, TWD1,410,000(PI).
Genrification of Taiwan’s TV dramas since 2015: Perspectives of Genre Studies and Globalization, Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 110-2410-H-A49-044-MY2), Aug.1,2021-Jul.31,2023, TWD 1,282,000 (PI).
Representing Japan: Japanese Colonial Heritage and Nostalgic Consumption in Taiwan, Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology, (MOST 108-2410-H-009-042-MY2), Aug.1,2019-Jul.31,2021.7.31, TWD 1,270,000 (PI).
Ethnicity and Gender Politics: Self-presentation and Representation of the Candidates in the 2020 Presidential Election in Taiwan, Taiwan Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sprout Project: Hakka and Ethnicity Academic Consortium), Jul.1, 2019.-Dec.31,2020, NT450,000.
Shaping the Narratives of VR Journalism, Fulbright Senior Research Grants, Fulbright Scholar Program, Aug.1,2018-Jun.30, 2019, US15,000.
Going Abroad: An Discourse Analysis of Young People’s Transnational Mobility, Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 104-2410-H-009-013-MY2), Aug.1,2015-Jul.31, 2018, NT 1,237,000 (PI).
Gazing at Taiwan: The Transformation of Nation-branding in Taiwan’s Tourism Policy between 1945 and 2012, Taiwan National Science Council (NSC 102-2410-H-009-022-MY2), Aug.1, 2013-Jul.312015, TWD 1,368,000 (PI).
Ethnic Identity and the Media in Lanyu: Anti-nuclear Waste Movement and Tao identity, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University, Nov.1,2011.11-Jun.30, 2012TWD 150,000 (PI).
Transnational Mobility, Media Use and Identity: Understanding Second-generation Taiwanese Migrants to China, Taiwan National Science Council (NSC 100-2410-H-009-058-MY2), Aug.1,2011-Jul,31,2013, TWD 1,209,000 (PI).
The Representation of Ethnicity on Taiwan’s Television Programs, Taiwan National Communication Committee (NCC-48-99-03), TWD 495,000, Jul.1, 2010-Nov.30, 2010(Co-PI, with Shaw, P.)
Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship. (2008). USA: University of Maryland.
Study Abroad Fellowship. (2008-2010). Taiwan: Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship. (2009-2010). USA: University of Maryland.
Faculty Merit Awards for Excellence in Research, Service and Teaching, NYCU, 2023-2025
Excellent Teaching Award, NYCU, 2022
Fulbright Senior Scholar, Fulbright Scholar Program, 2018-2019
Faculty Merit Awards for Excellence in Research, Service and Teaching, NCTU, 2015-2018
Outstanding Mentor Award, NCTU, 2014