Faculty & Staff




Ext.: 58711
Office: HK226
Email: chlai@nycu.edu.tw  
Website/Lab: http://chihhui.wix.com/chihhuilai

ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8060-6114



2012 Ph.D. in Rutgers University
2005 M.A. in Michigan State University
1999 B.A. in Department of Foreign languages and literatures, National Taiwan University



2024- Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

2022-2024 Associate Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

2020-2022 Associate Research Fellow, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences

2018-2020 Associate Professor, National Chaio Tung University
2016-2018 Assistant Professor, National Chaio Tung University
2014-2016 Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
2012-2014 Assistant Professor, University of Akron, School of Communication



Social Network Analysis
Communication Strategy
Hazard, Risk and Crisis Communication
Organizational Behavior
Social Media


【Refereed Conference Papers】

1.Lai, C.-H., (in press). From incidental exposure to COVID-19 coping: The influence of expression and perceived networks on social media and messaging apps. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2023.2264432 (SSCI-indexed)

2.Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (in press). A cross-country analysis of the combined influence of social media use and perceived social media networks on pandemic communicative responses. Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2023.2185923 (SSCI-indexed)

3.Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (in press). Informaiton exposure and information overload as antecedents of crisis communicative responses and coping: A cross-country comparison. American Behavioral Scientist. https://doi.org/10.1177/00027642221132805 (SSCI-indexed)

4.Lai, C.-H. (2023). Participatory outcomes of collective action groups on Facebook: The role of network relationships and group contexts. International Journal of Communication, 17,  4541-4562. (SSCI期刊)

5.Lai. C.-H. (2022). Examining the paths of influence between individual motivators, information behaviors, and outcomes in disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 71, Article 102826. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102826 (SCI期刊)

6.Lai. C.-H., & Yu, R.P. (2022). How do public organizations communicate their alliances on Facebook and how does the public react? A longitudinal analysis. Public Relations Review, 48(1), Article 102144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2021.102144 (SSCI期刊)

7.Yu, R.P., & Lai, C.-H. (2022). Linking Facebook user types with civic participation: From a communication infrastructure perspective. Social Science Computer Review, 40(5), 1093-1113. (SCCI 期刊)

8. Fu, J. S., & Lai, C.-H. (2021). Determinants of organizational performance in disaster risk reduction: A preliminary study of global humanitarian NGOs. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 29(3), 232-247.  (SSCI-indexed)

9.Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (2021). Disaster communication behaviors in the U.S. and China: Which channels do you use and with whom? Journal of Applied Communication Research, 49(2), 207-227. (SCCI 期刊)

10.Lai, C.-H., & Fu, J. S. (2021). Exploring the linkage between offline collaboration networks and online representational network diversity on social media. Communication Monographs, 88(1), 88-110. (SCCI 期刊)

11.Lai, C.-H.,& Fu, J. S. (2021). Humanitarian relief and development organizations’ stakeholder targeting communication on social media and beyond. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organization, 32(1), 120-135. (SSCI-indexed)

12.Lai, C.-H., Yu, P., & Chen, Y. C. (2020). Examining government dialogic orientation in social media strategies, outcomes, and perceived effectiveness: A mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 14(3), 139-159.

13. Lai, C.-H., & Fu, J. S. (2020). Organizations’ dialogic social media use and stakeholder engagement: Stakeholder targeting and message framing. International Journal of  Communication, 14, 2246-2271. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12824 (SSCI-indexed)

14. Fu, J. S., & Lai, C.-H. (2020). Are we moving towards convergence or divergence? Mapping the intellectual structure and roots of online social networks 1997-2017. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 25(1), 111-128. (SSCI-indexed)

15. Kim, H. Y. & Lai, C.-H. (2020). Seeking and sharing information about transboundary air pollution in Singapore. Effects of own and others’ information insufficiency. Environmental Communication, 14(1), 68-81. (SSCI-indexed)

16. Lai, C.-H. (2019). Motivations, usage, and perceived social networks within and beyond social media. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 24(3), 126-145. (SSCI-indexed)

17. Lai, C.-H., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2019). Understanding activated network resilience: A comparative analysis of co-located and co-cluster disaster response networks. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 27(1), 14-27. (SSCI-indexed)

18. Lai, C.-H., She, B., & Ye, X. (2019). Unpacking the network processes and outcomes of online and offline humanitarian collaboration. Communication Research, 46(1), 88-116. (SSCI-indexed)

19. Liu, W., Lai, C.-H., & Xu, W. (2018). Tweeting about emergency: A semantic network analysis of government organizations’ social media messaging during Hurricane Harvey. Public Relations Review, 44(5), 807-819. (SSCI-indexed)

20. Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (2018). From information behavior to disaster preparedness: Navigating individuals’ general and disaster curation in U.S., China, and Australia. Computers in Human Behavior, 88, 37-46.(SSCI-indexed) PDF

21. Lai, C.-H., Chib, A., & Ling, R. (2018). Digital disparities and vulnerabilities: Mobile phone use, information behavior, and disaster preparedness in South East Asia. Disasters, 42(4),734-760. (SSCI-indexed)

22. Lai, C.-H., Tao, C.-C., & Cheng, Y.-C. (2017). Modeling resource network relationships between response organizations and affected neighborhoods after a technological disaster. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28(5), 2145-2175.(SSCI-indexed)  

23. Lai, C.-H. (2017). A study of emergent organizing and technological affordances after a natural disaster. Online Information Review, 41(4), 507-523. (SSCI-indexed) 

24. Lai, C.-H., She, B., & Tao, C.-C. (2017). Connecting the dots: A longitudinal observation of relief organizations’ representational networks on social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 224-234. (SSCI-indexed) 

25. Ling, R., & Lai, C.-H. (2016). Microcoordination 2.0: Social coordination in the age of smartphones and messaging apps. Journal of Communication, 66(5), 834-856. (SSCI-indexed)

26. Lai, C.-H., & Chen, W. (2016). Welcome to the club: From multimodal voluntary participation to community involvement. International Journal of Communication, 10, 3931-3955.(SSCI-indexed)

27. Lai, C.-H.,& Katz, J. E. (2016). Volunteer associations in the Internet age: Ecological approach to understanding collective action. The Information Society, 32(4), 241-255. (SSCI-indexed)

28. Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (2015). Understanding local news consumption and community participation via the lens of information repertoires and media multiplexity. Mass Communication and Society, 18(3), 325-349. (SSCI-indexed)

29. Lai, C.-H. (2014). Can our groups survive? An investigation of the evolution of mixed-mode groups. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19, 839-854. (SSCI-indexed)

30. Lai, C.-H. (2014). A multimodal view of voluntary associations. Information, Communication & Society, 17(8),1017-1033. (SSCI-indexed)

31. Lai, C.-H. (2014). Understanding the evolution of bona fide mixed-mode groups: An example of Meetup groups. First Monday, 19(1). Available at: http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4681/3810

32. Lai, C.-H. (2014). An integrated approach to untangling mediated connectedness with online and mobile media. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 20-26. (SSCI-indexed)

33. Doerfel, M. L., Chewning, L.V., & Lai, C.-H. (2013). The evolution of networks and resilience of interorganizational relationships after disaster. Communication Monographs, 80(4), 533-559. (SSCI-indexed)

34. Chewning, L. V., Lai, C.-H., & Doerfel, M. L. (2013). Organizational resilience and using information and communication technology to rebuild communication structures. Management Communication Quarterly, 27(2), 237-263.(SSCI-indexed)

35. Lai, C.-H., & Katz, J. E. (2012). Are we evolved to live with mobiles? An evolutionary view of mobile communication. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 20(1), 45-54.

36. Lai, C.-H. (2011). A multifaceted perspective on blogs and society: Examples of blogospheres in Southeast and East Asia. Journal of International Communication, 17(1), 51-72.

37. Gibbs, J. L., Ellison, N. B., & Lai, C.-H. (2011). First comes love, then comes Google: An investigation of uncertainty reduction strategies and self-disclosure in online dating. Communication Research, 38(1), 70-100. (SSCI-indexed)

38. Doerfel, M. L., Lai, C.-H., & Chewning, L. V. (2010). The evolutionary role of interorganizational communication: Modeling social capital in disaster contexts. Human Communication Research, 36, 125-162. (SSCI-indexed)   

39. Naaman, M., Boase, J., & Lai, C.-H. (2010, February). Is it all about me? User content in social awareness streams. In Proceedings of the 20the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.

40. Katz, J. E. & Lai, C.-H. (2009). News blogging in a cross-cultural context: A report on the struggle for voice. Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 22(2), 95-107.


【Ministry of Science and Technology Projects】

1.透過傳播角度建置文字探勘韌性詞典:雙重建制方式的比較以及對於韌性結果的預測應用, 2023-2026, NT 3,824,000. (NSTC 112-2410-H-A49-039-SS3)(PI).

2.多層面的防疫訊息傳播對民眾災難應對的影響, 2020, NT 900,000. (MOST 109-2420-H-001-008 防疫科技發展計畫) (PI).

2.從混合線上線下數據與橫跨組織與個人層面看災害風險防治議題網絡, 2019-2023, NT 5,722,000. (MOST 108-2628-H-001 -002 -SS4 優秀年輕學者研究計畫) (PI).

3. 如何透過新科技建立長期性的災難復原與適應能力:從生態系統角度研究個人與群體的非災難與災難時的資訊傳播行為, 2016-2019, NT 2,700,000. (MOST 105-2410-H-009-064-SS3)(PI).

【International Research Program】

1. Understanding the role of social media in disaster management: A systemic investigation of mixed-mode individual information behaviors. Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) AcRF Tier 1 Grant, 2016-2019, S$89,560. (PI)

2. An examination of the application of social media and related analysis tools for the humanitarian sector in the Asia-Pacific region. American Red Cross Grant Award, 2015, $21,432. (PI)

3. Untangling disaster awareness and preparedness via mobile communication technology in South East Asia. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Grant Award No. AID-OFDA-G-13-00038, 2014-2015, $49,800. (PI)

4. Hurricane Sandy: Short-term citizen-based communication and aid mobilization. National Science Foundation (NSF) RAPID Program, CMMI-1324180, 2013-2014, $25,000.  (co-PI)

【Awards and Honors】

1. Recipient of Outstanding Research Award  2017, conferred by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan 科技部

2. Recipient of Actively Seeking Excellent Young Scholars Overseas Scholarship Program (積極爭取國外優秀年輕學者獎助), 2016-2021, conferred by the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, Taiwan 傑出人才發展基金會

3. Recipient of Top Paper Award , 2017, conferred by the Research Division of Broadcasting Education Association.

4. Recipient of Top Paper Award, 2016, conferred by the Organizational Communication Division of International Communication Association.

5. Recipient of Top Four Paper Award , 2015, conferred by the Communication and Technology Division of International Communication Association.

6. Recipient of the Laura Crowell Dissertation Award, 2012, conferred by the Group Communication Division of National Communication Association.


Publications, Projects and Honors

【Refereed Conference Papers】

1.Lai, C.-H., (in press). From incidental exposure to COVID-19 coping: The influence of expression and perceived networks on social media and messaging apps. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2023.2264432 (SSCI-indexed)

2.Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (in press). A cross-country analysis of the combined influence of social media use and perceived social media networks on pandemic communicative responses. Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2023.2185923 (SSCI-indexed)

3.Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (in press). Informaiton exposure and information overload as antecedents of crisis communicative responses and coping: A cross-country comparison. American Behavioral Scientist. https://doi.org/10.1177/00027642221132805 (SSCI-indexed)

4.Lai, C.-H. (2023). Participatory outcomes of collective action groups on Facebook: The role of network relationships and group contexts. International Journal of Communication, 17,  4541-4562. (SSCI期刊)

5.Lai. C.-H. (2022). Examining the paths of influence between individual motivators, information behaviors, and outcomes in disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 71, Article 102826. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102826 (SCI期刊)

6.Lai. C.-H., & Yu, R.P. (2022). How do public organizations communicate their alliances on Facebook and how does the public react? A longitudinal analysis. Public Relations Review, 48(1), Article 102144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2021.102144 (SSCI期刊)

7.Yu, R.P., & Lai, C.-H. (2022). Linking Facebook user types with civic participation: From a communication infrastructure perspective. Social Science Computer Review, 40(5), 1093-1113. (SCCI 期刊)

8. Fu, J. S., & Lai, C.-H. (2021). Determinants of organizational performance in disaster risk reduction: A preliminary study of global humanitarian NGOs. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 29(3), 232-247.  (SSCI-indexed)

9.Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (2021). Disaster communication behaviors in the U.S. and China: Which channels do you use and with whom? Journal of Applied Communication Research, 49(2), 207-227. (SCCI 期刊)

10.Lai, C.-H., & Fu, J. S. (2021). Exploring the linkage between offline collaboration networks and online representational network diversity on social media. Communication Monographs, 88(1), 88-110. (SCCI 期刊)

11.Lai, C.-H.,& Fu, J. S. (2021). Humanitarian relief and development organizations’ stakeholder targeting communication on social media and beyond. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organization, 32(1), 120-135. (SSCI-indexed)

12.Lai, C.-H., Yu, P., & Chen, Y. C. (2020). Examining government dialogic orientation in social media strategies, outcomes, and perceived effectiveness: A mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 14(3), 139-159.

13. Lai, C.-H., & Fu, J. S. (2020). Organizations’ dialogic social media use and stakeholder engagement: Stakeholder targeting and message framing. International Journal of  Communication, 14, 2246-2271. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12824 (SSCI-indexed)

14. Fu, J. S., & Lai, C.-H. (2020). Are we moving towards convergence or divergence? Mapping the intellectual structure and roots of online social networks 1997-2017. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 25(1), 111-128. (SSCI-indexed)

15. Kim, H. Y. & Lai, C.-H. (2020). Seeking and sharing information about transboundary air pollution in Singapore. Effects of own and others’ information insufficiency. Environmental Communication, 14(1), 68-81. (SSCI-indexed)

16. Lai, C.-H. (2019). Motivations, usage, and perceived social networks within and beyond social media. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 24(3), 126-145. (SSCI-indexed)

17. Lai, C.-H., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2019). Understanding activated network resilience: A comparative analysis of co-located and co-cluster disaster response networks. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 27(1), 14-27. (SSCI-indexed)

18. Lai, C.-H., She, B., & Ye, X. (2019). Unpacking the network processes and outcomes of online and offline humanitarian collaboration. Communication Research, 46(1), 88-116. (SSCI-indexed)

19. Liu, W., Lai, C.-H., & Xu, W. (2018). Tweeting about emergency: A semantic network analysis of government organizations’ social media messaging during Hurricane Harvey. Public Relations Review, 44(5), 807-819. (SSCI-indexed)

20. Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (2018). From information behavior to disaster preparedness: Navigating individuals’ general and disaster curation in U.S., China, and Australia. Computers in Human Behavior, 88, 37-46.(SSCI-indexed) PDF

21. Lai, C.-H., Chib, A., & Ling, R. (2018). Digital disparities and vulnerabilities: Mobile phone use, information behavior, and disaster preparedness in South East Asia. Disasters, 42(4),734-760. (SSCI-indexed)

22. Lai, C.-H., Tao, C.-C., & Cheng, Y.-C. (2017). Modeling resource network relationships between response organizations and affected neighborhoods after a technological disaster. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28(5), 2145-2175.(SSCI-indexed)  

23. Lai, C.-H. (2017). A study of emergent organizing and technological affordances after a natural disaster. Online Information Review, 41(4), 507-523. (SSCI-indexed) 

24. Lai, C.-H., She, B., & Tao, C.-C. (2017). Connecting the dots: A longitudinal observation of relief organizations’ representational networks on social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 224-234. (SSCI-indexed) 

25. Ling, R., & Lai, C.-H. (2016). Microcoordination 2.0: Social coordination in the age of smartphones and messaging apps. Journal of Communication, 66(5), 834-856. (SSCI-indexed)

26. Lai, C.-H., & Chen, W. (2016). Welcome to the club: From multimodal voluntary participation to community involvement. International Journal of Communication, 10, 3931-3955.(SSCI-indexed)

27. Lai, C.-H.,& Katz, J. E. (2016). Volunteer associations in the Internet age: Ecological approach to understanding collective action. The Information Society, 32(4), 241-255. (SSCI-indexed)

28. Lai, C.-H., & Tang, T. (2015). Understanding local news consumption and community participation via the lens of information repertoires and media multiplexity. Mass Communication and Society, 18(3), 325-349. (SSCI-indexed)

29. Lai, C.-H. (2014). Can our groups survive? An investigation of the evolution of mixed-mode groups. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19, 839-854. (SSCI-indexed)

30. Lai, C.-H. (2014). A multimodal view of voluntary associations. Information, Communication & Society, 17(8),1017-1033. (SSCI-indexed)

31. Lai, C.-H. (2014). Understanding the evolution of bona fide mixed-mode groups: An example of Meetup groups. First Monday, 19(1). Available at: http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4681/3810

32. Lai, C.-H. (2014). An integrated approach to untangling mediated connectedness with online and mobile media. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 20-26. (SSCI-indexed)

33. Doerfel, M. L., Chewning, L.V., & Lai, C.-H. (2013). The evolution of networks and resilience of interorganizational relationships after disaster. Communication Monographs, 80(4), 533-559. (SSCI-indexed)

34. Chewning, L. V., Lai, C.-H., & Doerfel, M. L. (2013). Organizational resilience and using information and communication technology to rebuild communication structures. Management Communication Quarterly, 27(2), 237-263.(SSCI-indexed)

35. Lai, C.-H., & Katz, J. E. (2012). Are we evolved to live with mobiles? An evolutionary view of mobile communication. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 20(1), 45-54.

36. Lai, C.-H. (2011). A multifaceted perspective on blogs and society: Examples of blogospheres in Southeast and East Asia. Journal of International Communication, 17(1), 51-72.

37. Gibbs, J. L., Ellison, N. B., & Lai, C.-H. (2011). First comes love, then comes Google: An investigation of uncertainty reduction strategies and self-disclosure in online dating. Communication Research, 38(1), 70-100. (SSCI-indexed)

38. Doerfel, M. L., Lai, C.-H., & Chewning, L. V. (2010). The evolutionary role of interorganizational communication: Modeling social capital in disaster contexts. Human Communication Research, 36, 125-162. (SSCI-indexed)   

39. Naaman, M., Boase, J., & Lai, C.-H. (2010, February). Is it all about me? User content in social awareness streams. In Proceedings of the 20the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.

40. Katz, J. E. & Lai, C.-H. (2009). News blogging in a cross-cultural context: A report on the struggle for voice. Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 22(2), 95-107.


【Ministry of Science and Technology Projects】

1.透過傳播角度建置文字探勘韌性詞典:雙重建制方式的比較以及對於韌性結果的預測應用, 2023-2026, NT 3,824,000. (NSTC 112-2410-H-A49-039-SS3)(PI).

2.多層面的防疫訊息傳播對民眾災難應對的影響, 2020, NT 900,000. (MOST 109-2420-H-001-008 防疫科技發展計畫) (PI).

2.從混合線上線下數據與橫跨組織與個人層面看災害風險防治議題網絡, 2019-2023, NT 5,722,000. (MOST 108-2628-H-001 -002 -SS4 優秀年輕學者研究計畫) (PI).

3. 如何透過新科技建立長期性的災難復原與適應能力:從生態系統角度研究個人與群體的非災難與災難時的資訊傳播行為, 2016-2019, NT 2,700,000. (MOST 105-2410-H-009-064-SS3)(PI).

【International Research Program】

1. Understanding the role of social media in disaster management: A systemic investigation of mixed-mode individual information behaviors. Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) AcRF Tier 1 Grant, 2016-2019, S$89,560. (PI)

2. An examination of the application of social media and related analysis tools for the humanitarian sector in the Asia-Pacific region. American Red Cross Grant Award, 2015, $21,432. (PI)

3. Untangling disaster awareness and preparedness via mobile communication technology in South East Asia. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Grant Award No. AID-OFDA-G-13-00038, 2014-2015, $49,800. (PI)

4. Hurricane Sandy: Short-term citizen-based communication and aid mobilization. National Science Foundation (NSF) RAPID Program, CMMI-1324180, 2013-2014, $25,000.  (co-PI)

【Awards and Honors】

1. Recipient of Outstanding Research Award  2017, conferred by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan 科技部

2. Recipient of Actively Seeking Excellent Young Scholars Overseas Scholarship Program (積極爭取國外優秀年輕學者獎助), 2016-2021, conferred by the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, Taiwan 傑出人才發展基金會

3. Recipient of Top Paper Award , 2017, conferred by the Research Division of Broadcasting Education Association.

4. Recipient of Top Paper Award, 2016, conferred by the Organizational Communication Division of International Communication Association.

5. Recipient of Top Four Paper Award , 2015, conferred by the Communication and Technology Division of International Communication Association.

6. Recipient of the Laura Crowell Dissertation Award, 2012, conferred by the Group Communication Division of National Communication Association.