
Assistant Professor
Ext.: 58728
Office: HK232
Email:: taiyuhui@nycu.edu.tw;tai.yuhui@gmail.com
Ph.D. in Mass Communication and Media Arts, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, US
M.A. in Journalism, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
B.S. in Advertising, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Regional Communication and Transcultural Communication
China Communication Research
Media Law and Cultural Policy
Alternative Media
Political Economics of Communication
Regional Communication and Transcultural Communication
China Communication Research
Media Law and Cultural Policy
Alternative Media
Political Economics of Communication
Publications, Projects and Honors
Tai, Yuhui & Guo, Y. I. (2011),Taipei Hermit Crab—Living without Place. Taipei (2011)
Tai, Yuhui & Guo, Y.J. (2010),Vision from the Underground World, Taipei, The Salvation Army & Homeless of Taiwan
【Journal Articles】
Tai, Yuhui (2013). China’s “Go Global” Policy: The Role of Chinese Private Capitalists and Overseas Media Mergers and Acquisitions After 2008. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, Vol. 24, p. 247-284. (TSSCI)
Tai, Yuhui (2012). Information Society and Minority Groups’ Cultural Rights: The Emergence of Alternative
Homeless Media in Taiwan. Mass Communication Research, Vol. 113, p. 123-166. (TSSCI)
Tai, Yuhui (2011). The building of critical cosmopolitanism and radical alternative media movement. Chinese Journal of Communication Research, Vol. 18, p. 1-17. (TSSCI)
Tai, Yuhui (2010). Living without a Place: 2010 Taiwan Homeless Photographer Exhibition. Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, Vol. 85, p. 353-376. (TSSCI)
【Conference Presentations】
Tai, Y. (2013). The urban violence in the name of cultural/ creative policy: Flora Expo, Design City and urban poor. Paper accepted at Taiwan Social Studies, Taipei, October 2013.
Tai, Y. (2013). The meaning of political economy of communication research in modern time. The conference for the political economy of communication in China, Chinese Communication University, July 2013.
Tai, Y. (2011).The Emerging Chinese Cultural-linguistic Market and the Transition of Taiwan’s Cultural/Creative Policy. Paper accepted at International Communication Association, Boston, May 2011.
Tai, Y. (2010). Development or dependence? Taiwan’s cultural/ creative policy and China. Paper presented at Union for Democratic Communications, Pennsylvania, October 2010.
Tai, Y. & Guo, Y.J. (2010). The Homeless photographer exhibition in Taiwan from 2008-2010. Paper presented at Taiwan Social Studies Association, Taipei, September 2010.
Tai, Y. (2010). From Protectionism to Co-Optation: The Transition of the TV Drama Importation Policy in China. Paper presented at International Communication Association, Singapore, July 2010.
(TOP STUDENT PAPER in Communication Law & Policy division)
Tai, Y. (2010). The emergence and practice of homeless media in Taiwan. Paper presented at Alternative Media in Light of Challenging the Journalistic Paradigm: International Conference in Remembrance of Prof. Lucie Cheng, Taipei, May 2010.
Tai, Y. & Guo, Y.J. (2010). The working condition and social stigma of working poor in Taiwan. Paper presented at Cultural Studies Association, Tainan, January 2010.
Tai, Y. (2009). A new way out or a new form of dependency? Taiwan’s cultural/ creative policy and the Chinese market. Paper presented at National Communication Association pre-conference, Champaign-Urbana, November 2009.
Tai, Y. & Downing, John(2009). Privatization overseas and bypassing domestic anti-privatization movement: the role of New York Stock Exchange played in telecommunication privatization in Taiwan. Paper presented at the International Association of Media and Communication Research Conference, Mexico City, July 2009.
Tai, Y. (2009). Overcome the ruling crisis and rule the ruled: Critical discourse analysis of Shrek the Third.Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association, Saint Louis, March 2009.
Tai, Y. (2009). (2009). Racial discourse, media and 2008 Taiwan Presidential Election. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association, Saint Louis, March 2009.
Tai, Y. (2009). Starting from the ground up: homeless people’s media in Taiwan. Global Media Research Center Colloguium, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. March 2009.
Tai, Y. (2009). From media target to alternative media warriors: the alternative homeless media practice in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Cultural Study Association, Taipei, January 2009.
Tai, Y. (2008). Recover cultural citizenship in digital divide era. Paper presented at the Global Fusion, Athens, November 2008.
Tai, Y. (2008). Award winning films and a dying film industry—the Taiwan film policy in flux. Paper presented at National Popular Culture & American Culture Associations, San Francisco, March 2008.
Tai, Y. (2007). City Newspaper, City’s Poor and the Transition of China Newspaper Industry. Paper presented at the Union for Democratic Communications, Vancouver, October 2007.
Tai, Y. (2007). The management reform and the class relation in Chinese newspaper industry after openness and reform policy.Paper presented at the Global Fusion, St. Louis, September 2007.
Tai, Y. (2007) From party bureaucrats to media managers—the formation of new class relationship in China’s newspaper industry after 1979. Paper presented at Chinese Communication Society, Taipei, 2007.
Tai, Yuhui (2011). ―Boxer Rebellion Theater, Encyclopedia of social movement media, edited by John Downing, Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, Inc..
Tai, Yuhui (2011). ―Channel Four TV and underground radio, Encyclopedia of social movement media, edited by John Downing, Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, Inc..
Tai, Yuhui (2011). ―DANGWAI magazines, Encyclopedia of social movement media, edited by John Downing, Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, Inc.
“Stop Hosing The Homeless” (5min 12 sec), directed by Yingjing, Guo. & Y. H., Tai
“The Hole of the Public Health Protection: Homeless People’s Health Situation in Taiwan” (9 mins), directed by Yingjing, Guo., Y. H., Tai, & Mao, Z.S. (2008)
“Saturday Vigil: Antiwar Movement in the United States” (6 mins), directed by Tai, Yuhui (2009)
The Nominee of The Outstanding Graduate Student, 2011 Jan. Southern Illinois University Carbondale
TOPSTUDENTPAPERAward, International Communication Association (ICA), 2010-“From Protectionism to Co-Optation: The Transition of the TV Drama Importation Policy in China”
Book Publishing Grant
Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan (2010)
Grant amount $ 1500 for proposed book project: Taipei Hermit Crab—Living without Place
Mass Communication & Media Arts HSU Student Scholarship, 2009
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Book Publishing Grant
Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan (2009)
Vision from the Underground World
Best Citizen Journalism Award (2008)
Public Television (Taiwan)
Documentary: “The Hole of the Public Health Protection: Homeless People’s Health Situation in Taiwan”
Overseas NGOs Exchange Fellowship (2004)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Taiwan)
NGOs Development Project: Understanding Middle East after 9/11, (2003)
Department of Civil Affairs, Taipei City Government