
Sidelights on Social Design & Media Maker Workshop

DCAT arranged “Social Design & Media Maker Workshop” on May 29 to May 30. Hiroya Tanaka was invited to attend this workshop, he guided participants to use software modeling, 3D-printing and laser cutting to solve the social issues.


Digital production is practical and interesting

Hiroya Tanaka thought the best application of 3D printing was making artificial limbs, 3D printing reduces costs and help disabled people who were in economically disadvantaged.

Digital design integrates with daily life to solve the social issues

The workshop’s theme is social issues, from teaching students techniques to think a concrete solution. In this course, students explored topics including accessible space, urban aesthetics, animal protection and garbage classification. Hiroya Tanaka noted that, “Through the workshop’s activities, students have realized that specific items are able to discuss the social issues.”

Technical assistance to convey ideas

Hiroya Tanaka are very interested on social issues , he want to know more Taiwanese social issues, through the opportunity of this workshop, aside from technical exchanging, but also to exchange ideas.