
Prof. Hao-Chen Wang: The Possibilities of Information Engineering And Communication Technology


The DCAT’s “Communication and Technology Lecture Series” tries to invite the specialists and scholars t who have interdisciplinary knowledge background combining new theories, methods and future development to deliver speeches to both faculty and students. The lecture wants bring sparkles in the discussion among the speakers, professors and students. The first lecture began on March 7th, delivered by Hao-Chen Wang, the assistant professor of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) talking about research approach of social computing and active CMC.

     Prof. Hao-Chen Wang with his information engineering knowledge background combines human-computer interaction and CMC together to develop his studies. He just completed his PhD. Degree in Cornell University and now as a professor in the Department of Information Engineering, NTHU.

     He at first defined what active CMC is and cited different kinds of examples in our daily lives, such as Skype, MSN, Facebook, etc. to explain how internet communication affects social networks with his case studies. The whole lecture bought out lots of interactions and discussion. Professor Caroline Lin from DCAT, NCTU brought the topic about the combination of technology platform and media content. Wang said technology after all is the created by people, and becomes a supporters to aid human to cope with different tasks. As the result, it’s important to combine the technology and liberal arts together. Prof. Mei-hua Lee from DCAT, NCTU also talked about the issue of language differences and groups communication from different cultures. Wang thought computer can improve the interaction among different cultures and become a trans-regional technology.

     There are still 5 lectures in DCAT. On March 28th, DCAT invites culture critic Tie-Chi Chang to share his lecture and we welcome all people from different fields can come and join us.