


電話: (03)5712121 ext. 58714
研究室: HK235
信箱: shuang9917@nycu.edu.tw

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9762-6119


  • 美國馬里蘭大學新聞與公眾傳播博士
  • 國立台灣大學社會學碩士/學士


  • 傅爾布萊特訪問學者(波士頓大學) (2018-2019)
  • 國立交通大學國際事務處專案行政組組長 (2016-2018)
  • 資訊社會研究執行編輯 (2013-2015)
  • 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系助理教授 (2010-2015)
  • 自由時報記者
  • 自由時報編輯






Wu, H. D., Huang, S., Ping Yu, R., & Zhang, Y. (2023). The “populist imbecile” versus the “heartless shrew”: Polarizing election coverage and voters’ evaluation in Taiwan. Newspaper Research Journal, 44(4), 484-503. doi:10.1177/07395329231194000

Huang, S. (2022). ‘Be true to yourself’: Transnational mobility, identity, and the construction of a mobile self by Taiwanese young adults. Mobilities, 17(3), 333-348. DOI:10.1080/17450101.2021.1946920 (SSCI)

黃淑鈴(2017)。〈國族打造與國家品牌化:台灣觀光論述的本土化〉。《中華傳播學刊》, 31,79-115。10.6195/cjcr.2017.31.03(TSSCI)

黃淑鈴(2016)。〈地點置入:地方政府影視觀光政策的分析〉。《新聞學研究》,126,頁 1-46。10.30386/MCR.201601_(126).0001(TSSCI)

黃淑鈴 (2015)。〈從族群正義到環境論述:達悟反核廢運動者的框架移轉〉。《思與言》,53(2),頁 7-48。(THCI core)

Huang, S. (2011). Nation-branding and transnational consumption: Japan-mania and the Korean wave in Taiwan. Media, Culture & Society, 32(6). doi.org/10.1177/0163443710379670 (SSCI)


Huang, S. (2018). Japanese and Korean popular culture and identity politics in Taiwan. In N. Kawashima & H.-K. Lee (Eds.), Asian cultural flows: Cultural policies, creative industries, and media consumers (pp. 215-232). Singapore: Springer.



Huang, S. (2017). Social media and the new Korean Wave. Media, Culture & Society, 39(5), 773-777. DOI: 10.1177/0163443717707344


黃淑鈴 (2021,11月21日)。 〈族群與性別政治:選舉中的身分展演與新聞框架〉。「客家與族群學術聯盟」工作坊, 新竹:國立陽明交通大學。

Huang, S. (2019, May 30-June1). Representing Japanese colonial prisons: A comparison of Taiwan and South Korea. Paper presented at the 2019 Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference, New Orleans, USA.


Huang, S. (2017, July 28-30). Nostalgia for Japan in the creation of cultural and creative spaces in Taipei. Paper presented at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Seoul, South Korea.

Huang, S. (2015, July 12-16). Popular culture, soft power and resistance: Taiwanese media portrayals of Japan and Korea before/after their cultural inflows. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Montreal, Canada.


Huang, S. (2014, July 9-10). Kimchi and the sweet potato: Korean Wave and Taiwan’s collective anxiety. Paper presented at the International workshop on cultural industries and cultural flows in East Asia: The emergence of Asian regional culture, The Center for the Study of the Creative Economy, Doshisha University. Kyoto, Japan.

Huang, S. (2013, July 3-5). Mediating the tourist gaze: Urban marketing and tourism destination placement in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference, Singapore.


Huang, S. (2012, July 2-6). Rethinking Chinese transnationalism: Paradoxical media consumption of Taiwanese migrants in China. Paper presented at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Paris.

Huang, S. (2012, May 22-28). Their technologies, our communications: Implications of new media use for Taiwanese in China. Paper presented at the International Communication Association preconference New Media and Internet Communication and Communities in China, Phoenix.



Huang, S. (2011, August 10-13).Mediating Identities: Taiwanese Migrants’ Readings of Chinese News. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, St. Louis.

Huang, S. (2011, March 31-April 3). Re-negotiating Chineseness: Taiwanese Migrants in China. Paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies(AAS)–International Convention of Asia Scholars(ICAS) Joint Conference, Honolulu.


Huang, S. (2013, September 24). Shaping an East Asian identity? Korean Wave and its cultural influences in Taiwan. Invited lecture at the Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe, Korean Verband, Seoul, Korea.



「跨國影音串流平台在台灣的全球在地化策略:產製、內容與在地回應」:國家科學及技術委員會(NSTC 112-2410-H-A49 -040 -MY2 ),2023.8.1-2025.7.31,NT 1,410,000(計畫主持人)。

「台劇的類型化(2015~):類型研究與全球化的觀點」:科技部(MOST 110-2410-H-A49 -044 -MY2),2021.8.1-2023.7.31,TWD 1,282,000(計畫主持人)。


「再現日本:從日式文資保存到懷舊消費」:科技部(MOST 108-2410-H-009-042-MY2),2019.8.1-2021.7.31,TWD 1,270,000(計畫主持人)。

「族群與性別政治:選舉中的身分展演與新聞框架」:教育部高等教育深耕計畫「客家與族群學術聯盟」,2019.7.1~2020.12.31,TWD 450,000(子計畫主持人)。

「築夢海外:青年跨國流動的論述建構」:科技部(MOST 104-2410-h-009 -013 -MY2),2015.08.01-2018.07.31,TWD 1,237,000(計畫主持人)。

「凝視台灣:戰後觀光政策的國家品牌打造與演進(1945-2012) 」;國家科學委員會(NSC 102-2410-H-009-022-MY2),2013.08.01-2015.07.31,TWD 1,368,000(計畫主持人)。

「媒體與蘭嶼的族群與認同」:國立交通大學人文與社會科學研究中心,2011.11.01-2012.06.30,TWD 150,000 (子計畫主持人)。

「跨國流動、媒介使用與認同:中國大陸台商第二代的分析」:國家科學委員會(NSC 100-2410-H-009-058-MY2),2011.08.01-2013.07.31,TWD 1,209,000(計畫主持人)。

「我國電視節目內容之族裔議題表現案例分析」:國家通訊委員會(NCC-48-99-03), 2010.07.01-2010.11.31,TWD 495,000(子計畫主持人)。



