DCAT speech-Accentuating pressing topics in international communication-Incorporating AI, post-truth public diplomacy (PTPD), and social media into gauging communication impact across national borders
Topic:Accentuating pressing topics in international communication-Incorporating AI, post-truth public diplomacy (PTPD), and social media into gauging communication impact across national borders
Speaker:Dr. H. Denis Wu
Date: 2020/01/03 Fri.
Time: 12:10-13:20
Location: HK, College of NCTU HK115
This talk will review the major research streams in the field of international communication with a current perspective. The pressing and intertwined subjects of AI, public diplomacy, post-truth (disinformation and misinformation), and social media will be highlighted to draw more scholarly attention on the production, strategy, content, and effects of the prevalent practice of post-truth public diplomacy (PTPD) on international communication. Robert Stevenson’s (1992) major trends of international communication will also be reviewed and revised to reflect the current world’s communication landscape. The talk will venture out to the frontier so as to prompt serious research on the impact of post-truth public diplomacy via cyberspace on democracy and other facets of open society.
Registration URL:https://cclab.kktix.cc/events/cclab20200103